Starting A Data Flow
A dataflow can either begin with a rise unit, a flow expression with input stream columns as template arguments or a flow expression with a prior dataflow as a parameter to continue building from it. To it new units can be added or current unit can be modified with the properties in any order or modify the output streaming routes using dataflow properties as shown in next section.
ezl::rise is the original data source in a dataflow. It is a higher order function i.e. it takes another function as input that is called till it signals EndOfData. The function returns {row, isEndOfData} or a vector of rows in which case EndOfData is implied by returning an empty vector. Check the code example for more. The rise function streams the rows across all the branches of the dataflow when the dataflow runs. It doesn’t buffer the rows.
Easylambda has function objects for rise given in ezl/algorithms/io.hpp such as for loading tabulated data from files, for loading file names from glob pattern, for loading list of data from a container (vector, array etc.), for calling the next unit n number of times without any parameter. All of these function can distribute the input rows among the processes when run in parallel. More on these function objects can be found under algorithms for rise section here.
If a dataflow is not being started with a rise then it can either be started as continuation of another dataflow or it can be started by declaring the data-types of its input parameters without any source. A dataflow that has no source does not do anything when run.
- Properties (only if continuing from prior flow): no properties.
auto fl = ezl::flow<char, int>()
.map<2>([](int i) { return i * i; })
// fl is shared_ptr of type:
// ezl::Flow<tuple<char, int>, tuple<char, int, int>>
// The first tuple has cols of input stream and second has columns of output
// A flow can be built and returned from a function.
auto fl2 = ezl::flow(fl)
.filter([](char, int, int) {
return true;
.run(); // doesn't do anything as there isn't a rise yet
// fl2 is shared_ptr of type:
// ezl::Flow<tuple<char, int, int>, tuple<char, int, int>>
An ezl::Flow
object can be added to a flow with addFlow
or branchFlow
given that the output columns match the input columns of the Flow object or some other object can be added to recieve the output stream of the Flow object with ezl::flow(...)
as done in above example. Check the next section for more on these.
Check the code example for more.