
Design Overview

EasyLambda is a header only library compatible with C++14 compliant compilers. The library code can be seen as three layers of abstraction and a helper module that includes metaprogramming functions and type-traits. In addition there are generic algorithms for maps, filters and reduces. The algorithms are function objects and have no dependency on library and vice-verse.

The three layers and helper modules of easyLambda library.

The first layer consists of interfaces and template classes for dataflow such as Source, Destination, Link, Task, Flow, Root etc that provide functionality for type-safe connections in a dataflow. The Source of template type \verb|T| can pass data to destination of type \verb|T| only and vice-verse.

The second layer builds upon the various classes of first layer and add behaviour for map, filter, reduce, rise etc units over them. The classes use tuples as the basic types and add column aware functionality from the helper meta module. The third layer has expressions for specific properties for each unit, dataflow, dump, parallelism.

Immutability and Performance

Wherever possible, an attempt is made to minimize copy and move operations on the data. The data returned by a user function in a unit is represented as an tuple of immutable (const) references before it is streamed to some other unit in the dataflow. This has the desirable property of ensuring that if two units receive the output stream then they it remains same for both regardless of which unit operates on the data first. Creating a tuple of immutable references is a cheap operation because it involves no copies.

The default output for map involves concatenation of the input and user function results. Similarly, for the reduce, it involves concatenation of the keys and user function results. This concatenation is implemented by creating a tuple of immutable references. With column selection, the final tuple has the immutable references of columns that are specified by the user. Hence, the column selection has no extra performance penalty.

Dataflow Representation

A dataflow can be characterized solely by its input and output row types. A dataflow object can be conceptualized as a black box that takes one type of rows and converts them into another type. The abstraction of a dataflow that accepts data rows with columns of type Ts and streams out rows with columns of type Us is represented in easyLambda with the type \verb|Flow«tuple, tuple>|. Concretely, a dataflow that accepts rows with column types int and char and outputs rows with a bool column would have type \verb|Flow<<tuple<int, char>, tuple>|. This type is derived from the types `Dest` that separately represent the input and output streams.

A Flow object is returned with a build or run expression. It is an independent dataflow which can be added as a component of another dataflow. It can be passed around, run or attached to another dataflow.


The Manager is a Singleton class in helper module that allocates a parallel allocation object to rise and to different parallel units based on the availability, usage and request made by them just before running a dataflow. The parallel request and parallel allocation classes are part of helper module.

The second layer contains Rise class which is derived from Source and Task. The second layer contains another class called MPIBridge that is a Link ( Source as well as Destination) and Task type. All the tasks in a dataflow are assigned a parallel allocation object before running the dataflow based on the parallel request made by the user and processes available.

MPIBridge is placed in between the Source and Destination units if destination is not an in-process unit. The prll property in third layer makes sure that MPIBridge is inserted between the current unit and its source. The source unit instead of passing directly to the current unit, passes the data to the MPIBridge and the current unit receives from it. The send and receive ends of MPIBridge run on different processes. MPIBridge abstracts all the details of MPI parallelism from other classes. The communication is asynchronous. Initially, some rows are sent as they stream in, which can be sent eagerly depending on the MPI configuration. To avoid eager buffer overflow and avoid cost of sending small messages, the subsequent messages are sent in big vector buffers. The boost::mpi library is used to work at a higher level interface compliant with C++. There can be similar classes to MPIBridge with different parallel policies e.g. MPI RMA that can define their own expression and building behavior in the third layer totally oblivious to any other unit or class.

Metaprogramming helper functions

The helpers include a number of meta-programming functions and structures that are mainly responsible for column selection, providing uniform interface for different type of function calls, type-traits to calculate output types from input types, handle user function results in uniform way etc. The module abstracts all the metaprogramming details such that all other classes in second and third layer can cleanly implement functionality at higher level. Very clear static errors are reported for compile time inconsistencies for e.g. type-mismatches, index out of bounds in column selection, wrong user function parameters etc. However, C++ template errors can still get very huge and scary which is likely to improve with C++ template concepts that are expected to be added in C++20 standards.


The third layer has expressions for specific properties of various units, dataflow, parallelism etc. These expressions are implemented in separate classes. The layer also contains builder classes for the units. The builder classes for units inherit from the expressions they want to use e.g. the map builder inherits from dump expression class, parallel expression class and dataflow expression class. The inheritance uses CRTP (as given in section \ref{genbasic}) so that the expressions from base classes (such as a dump expression) can return an object of the derived type (such as a map builder). The expressions like \verb|cols<…>()| that change the template parameters return an object with the same properties but of a template instance of different type variables.