Hello World
The section explains basic set of functionality with the help of simple examples.
Let’s look at a minimal Hello world dataflow with ezl.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
rise(fromMem({"Hello world"})).dump()
Let’s look at each of the steps in the above program. We first have a rise which is a higher order function i.e. it takes another function as input. Rise is the original data source in a dataflow. It produces the output with the help of a function which takes no input parameter. Here, we are passing fromMem
library function to it. This function can take a list / container variable or an initializer list with values, it produces a row for each item in the container. A container can be a vector, array etc. We have added dump property to the rise unit. A dump can be added to any unit in the dataflow and it displays the output of the unit on the console. The dump property takes two optional string parameters, first for output file name and other for header message at the top of the file. At the end we call run which executes the dataflow.
Every ezl library call is inside ezl namespace. In the above example we have namespace qualifier at the beginning such as using ezl::rise
. The other ways can be - qualifying each call separately such as ezl::rise(...)
or declaring using namespace ezl;
at the top. We will use either of the first two to make it clear which calls are ezl calls.
Let’s look at another example which does some calculation as well. Following is an ezl program to find the summation of numbers with their square root.
ezl::rise(ezl::fromMem({25.0, 100.0, 30.4}))
.map(std::sqrt).dump("sqrt.txt", "number, sqrt")
The rise function streams each number as a row to map. map is another higher order function or unit which is similar to functional paradigm map operation. It applies the function to each row and adds the result as a new column at the end of the row. The first map with dump, writes the numbers and their square root in a file. The second map prints (number, square root and their addition) for each row on console. The sqrt and plus are C++ standard library functions.
Sixth Root
Let’s write an ezl dataflow to find the sixth root of a number.
ezl::rise(ezl::fromMem({25.0, 100.0, 30.4}))
.map(std::cbrt).dump("doesn't compile")
The output rows from first map have two columns viz. input number and its square root, while function cbrt takes one number. This dataflow is not well formed so a static assert is raised at compile time. easyLambda gives helpful static_error mesaages for ill-formed dataflows that can be viewed at the beginning of the compile error text.
The following dataflow composes these functions together using column selection expressions for the output.
The colsResult is a property of map unit. It makes only the result pass to the next unit rather than adding result to the input columns. The program prints the sixth root. We can select output columns by their indices as well. In place of colsResult()
we could have written cols<2>()
or colsDrop<1>()
. The cols and colsDrop properties are also applicable to other computing units like filter and reduce that we will see later.
If we use colsResult
only with first map and not with second one then the program will print the square root (input) and sixth root (output) both. But what if we want to print number and the sixth root in each row. Following is the program for it.
The second column is selected for the input to cbrt function with map<2>. We can select multiple columns. The default output from the unit is all input columns followed by output columns. The colsTransform is a property of map that replaces the selected input columns of the map (here 2nd) by the output cols returned by the function. Without colsTransform this will print number, sqrt, sixth root. Here, colsTransform()
can be replaced by cols<1, 3>()
or colsDrop<2>
The example has introduced machinery for column selection for composition in ezl which is quite useful for reuse. It is the column selection that makes reuse of generic algorithms in easyLambda for any data possible with minimal syntax.
Sqrt and Cbrt in different Columns
Folowing is a dataflow to add a column for square root and another for cube root using a single map.
ezl::rise(ezl::fromMem({25.0, 100.0, 30.4}))
.map([](double num) {
return std::make_tuple(sqrt(num), cbrt(num));
A function can return multiple values / columns by returning a standard tuple. For square root and cube root, it is better to use two maps one for sqrt and another for cbrt with column selection since the two operations are not related. However, some results are truly composed of more than one value. Tuples are the standard way of returning multiple values in ezl as well as in general.
Sqrt and Cbrt in Different Branches
Let’s say we want to calculate square root and cube root with different maps that both have same source unit. We want to have them as branches at same level, since they are independent operations and don’t actually have to be executed one after the other.
auto src = ezl::rise(ezl::fromMem({25.0, 100.0, 30.4}))
We build a source unit with build()
. Building does not execute the dataflow, instead it returns the last unit of the dataflow. With flow(src)
we resume the src dataflow and add to it a map with sqrt and then another map with cbrt. When we run the dataflow with cbrt, the data from the rise starts streaming to both the child branches of it and results get saved into files they are dumping to. With parallelism property that we will see later, we can run two branches in different processes simultaneously. Building a dataflow can be useful in many cases like branches, cyclic flows or for building a dataflow and then running it for different data multiple times etc. We will see some examples of these in practical problems as well.
Data-flow to return sixthRoot
Following is a function that returns (not prints) sixth root of a number passed to it.
auto sixthRoot(double number) {
auto res = 0.0;
std::tie(res) = ezl::rise(ezl::fromMem({number}))
return res;
To get the result of the dataflow as a return value one can use .get()
in place of .run()
. The return value is always a vector of tuple of various values returned. With [0] at the end we get the first tuple of the result and with tie we assign the tuple values to the variables inside the tie.
Let us say from a data source with rows having two columns, we want to count the number of rows that addup to more than 5. Here, is the dataflow for this.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple(4,3), make_tuple(2,5), make_tuple(2,1)}))
.reduce(ezl::count(), 0).dump()
Let us dissect this dataflow. We throw a bunch of tuples to the fromMem function in an initializer list. Each tuple provides a row with two columns. The map unit then adds the two columns and passes the result along with input numbers.
Filter is a higher order function that has same meaning as in functional programming. Similar to map it takes every row and calls the predicate (a function that returns bool value) with it. The rows for which return value is true get streamed to the next unit. In the above dataflow, inside filter third column is selected as a parameter to predicate, this is similar to input column selection for map. The predicate gt is an ezl generic function object for greater than. We pass 5 as the reference number. If we were filtering on let’s say first column be greater than 2 and third column be greater than 5 then our filter would be .filter<1,3>(ezl::gt(2, 5))
. Similar, function objects for less that (lt) and equals (eq) are also available with ezl algorithms for filter.
Next, we have a reduce unit to count the filtered rows. reduce is another higher order function or unit which is similar to functional paradighm fold function. It finds a single aggregated result after calling the user function on all the rows. The reduce takes as parameter a function and the initial value of the result. For each row it calls the user function with key input columns, value input columns and prior result. The key is used to group the rows and then a single result is obtained for each group. We will see the grouping in next example. Here, we are counting all the rows so we don’t require grouping. We pass a generic function object count and zero as initial value for the result. For each row, count returns an incremented value of prior result. The end result is the total rows which gets printed on the console.
Let’s say we want to count how many rows have resulted in same value of addition. Since, (4, 3) and (2, 5) both add to 7 while (2, 1) is the only row that adds to 3, the desired result would be (7, 2) and (3, 1). Following is the dataflow for this.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple(4,3), make_tuple(2,5), make_tuple(2,1)}))
.reduce<3>(ezl::count(), 0)
If we were to write count function specific to our case ourselves then it can be written as:
.reduce<3>([](int res, int key, int val1, int val2) {
return res + 1;
}, 0)
Here, we take column three as key. By default all other cols are value cols. The function parameter are res cols, key cols, value cols. The returned rows are of type key cols, resulting cols.
We can select value colums as well and the dataflow can be rephrased as follows.
.reduce<key<3>, val<>>([](int res, int key) {
return res + 1;
}, 0)
One can also select multiple key or value columns. The following dataflow finds summation of all the rows for each column.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple(4,3), make_tuple(2,5), make_tuple(2,1)}))
.reduce(ezl::sum(), 0, 0)
Two zeros are for initial value of two resulting columns, respectively.
Since, the reduction function is applied progressively on the data, we might find that for some operation on data it might not be the suitable way to aggregate results. For these cases we have reduceAll higher order function. Following is the dataflow for count of rows with same value of third column with reduceAll.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple(4,3), make_tuple(2,5), make_tuple(2,1)}))
.reduceAll<3>([](int key, vector<int> a, vector<int> v) {
return int(a.size());
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple(4,3), make_tuple(2,5), make_tuple(2,1)}))
.reduceAll<3>([](int key, vector<tuple<int, int>> val) {
return int(val.size());
So essentially, the parameters of user function in reduceAll are key, vector of value cols. The vectors can be separate vector of column types or vector of tuple of column types according to the data access pattern of the operation to be carried out. Key and value columns can be selected separately similar to reduce unit. ReduceAll library function objects include summary, histogram and correlation. These are pretty useful if you want to get the idea of the data. Similar to most of the library function these are applicable to any number of columns.
Multiple rows
For a source with two columns, one string and another a number, the following dataflow duplicates the row as many times as the corresponding number in the row.
using ezl::rise;
using ezl::fromMem;
using std::make_tuple;
rise(fromMem({make_tuple("yo", 0), make_tuple("ezl", 2), make_tuple("one", 1)}))
.map([](string str, int times) {
return vector<string>(times, str);
The rise streams the rows with string and integer columns to the map. The map user function returns a vector of strings which is treated as returning multiple rows. The output column selection works the same way as it does for a single return value. Each output row has third and second column i.e. output string and input number. The output of the program will be ((“ezl”, 2), (“ezl”, 2), (“one”, 1)). The first row (“yo”, 0) doesn’t appear at all.
A vector of tuple can be returned for returning multiple rows with multiple columns. For returning vector as a column, a tuple of vector is to be returned. This applies to any higher order function like reduce, reduceAll in ezl.